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Mitos e lendas

In this Skype, we have spoken with our Irish friends about myths and legends both Irish and Galician... Some are strange!                    Others interesting and fascinating!                                                         But all are part of our history and we should know the most relevant ones! Neste Skype, falamos cos nosos amigos irlandeses sobre mitos e lendas tanto irlandesas como galegas... Algunhas son raras!                    Outras interesantes e fascinantes!       ...
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Aprendemos sobre os nosos patrimonios!

Today, we have had our next Skype session! We had a great time and we learnt a lot about our most important monuments and we saw the importance of our Galician and Irish cultural heritage that we have to appreciate and look after... Hoxe tivemos a nosa seguinte sesión de Skype! Pasámolo moi ben e aprendemos moito sobre os monumentos  máis importantes   e vimos a importancia do noso patrimonio cultural galego e irlandés que temos que valorar e coidar...


This was our last skype session in which we had fun because we learnt and practised saying Gaelic and Galician words and sentences. So, Galician students learnt a bit of Gaelic and the Irish ones some typical Galician vocabulary. Esta foi a nosa última sesión de skype na que o pasamos moi ben porque aprendemos e practicamos dicindo palabras e frases en gaélico e galego. Así, os estudiantes galegos aprenderon algo de gaélico e os irlandeses algún vocabulario típico galego.   It was a curious moment to listen to Irish people "speaking Galician" and for them it was the same, sure! They did it really well! Foi un momento curioso escoitar aos irlandeses"falar galego" e para eles seguro que tamén o foi. Fixérono xenial!

Practicando deportes populares de Irlanda!

Today, we have played gaelic footbal and rugby , two very popular sports in Ireland. We had fun and learnt a bit more about these two sports. It was exciting!   Hoxe, estivemos xogando ao fútbol gaélico e ao rugby , dous deportes moi populares en Irlanda.Pasámolo ben e aprendemos un pouco máis sobre estes dous deportes. Foi emocionante!

Our second Skype this year

In our second Skype call , we learnt a lot about our culture... THE CELTS AND THE VIKINGS! We had a great time and we dicovered all the things we have in common in our cultures! En nuestra segunda sesión de Skype , aprendimos un montón sobre nuestra cultura... LOS CELTAS Y LOS VIKINGOS! Lo pasamos muy bien y descubrimos todo lo que tenemos en común en nuestra cultura!

Pastel de cabaza!

Our students have made a delicious pumkin cake that everybody could enjoy at lunchtime!        We had fun and celebrated Halloween in a nice way and at the same time, we improved our cooking skills... Os nosos estudantes fixeron un delicioso pastel de cabaza que todo o mundo puido gozar á hora do xantar! Pasámolo moi ben e celebramos Halloween dunha forma bonita e ao mesmo tempo melloramos as nosas habilidades culinarias...

Our first Skype this year

We have had our first Skype session  of  this year 2019-2020! We have had great fun, we have talked a lot and our students have exhanged information about their hobbies, their life at school and even their social media accounts. So, they will keep in touch and we all are looking forward to the next Skype call that  we will have next month (November). It has been an amazing starting point and an exciting experience for everybody!!!! TIvemos a nosa primeira sesión de Skype deste ano 2019-2020! Pasámolo xenial, falamos moito e os nosos estudantes intercambiaron información sobre as súas afeccións, a súa vida no colexio e incluso as súas contas en redes sociais. Así que, manteranse en contacto e estamos esperando a próxima sesión de Skype que teremos o mes que vén (Novembro).                          Foi un comezo increíble e...