In this Skype, we have spoken with our Irish friends about myths and legends both Irish and Galician... Some are strange! Others interesting and fascinating! But all are part of our history and we should know the most relevant ones! Neste Skype, falamos cos nosos amigos irlandeses sobre mitos e lendas tanto irlandesas como galegas... Algunhas son raras! Outras interesantes e fascinantes! ...
Today, we have had our next Skype session! We had a great time and we learnt a lot about our most important monuments and we saw the importance of our Galician and Irish cultural heritage that we have to appreciate and look after... Hoxe tivemos a nosa seguinte sesión de Skype! Pasámolo moi ben e aprendemos moito sobre os monumentos máis importantes e vimos a importancia do noso patrimonio cultural galego e irlandés que temos que valorar e coidar...